Asset Management Solutions

Reviewing/Developing a comprehensive Fixed Assets Policies, Procedures & Processes.
By implementing a set of fixed assets policies and procedures, fixed asset data will be more complete, accurate and up-to-date so that the information necessary for accounting, financial and tax reporting and management decision making is available when needed.  
Reviewing the Fixed Assets Register
Once a fixed asset register (FAR) is developed, it should be reviewed and updated regularly so that it does not become out of date.
Physical Verification of Fixed Assets
Once a fixed asset register is developed, it is very important to conduct an annual physical count of all fixed assets to verify actual assets in hand and value and ensure the accuracy of related financial record.  
Reconciling with FAR  
Keeping track of assets can be a challenge to organizations large and small.  Assets can move locations, get reassigned to other people, get replaced, etc. Therefore, reconciliation of physical inventory with the FAR is of vital importance.  
Barcoding & Tagging 
Barcoding & Tagging of fixed assets is a good practice in the pursuit of better fixed assets physical control. Putting barcodes & tags on fixed assets, not only help custodians to find the fixed asset during a physical count session, but also sends a strong signal to other people ( within the company) that the assets are under close observation of certain custodian, therefore prevent it from moving and leads people to treat the asset better.  
Fixed Assets Monitoring through “Assets Management System” 
Fixed assets management system is integrated software to keep track of the fixed assets system. It covers practically all the modules that a company looks for managing their assets.
Training the Fixed Assets Team, Finance and Admin Staff on the above
On Target Consulting (OTC) with its vast experience in Fixed Assets Management assignments is in a better situation to provide training in the above mentioned processes